Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am unstoppable :-D

[actual entry coming later today]

Monday, February 16, 2009

Big Greek baby eaters

Yes...sorry that the email actually wasn't pasted into the blog entry. Not sure how the hell that happened. Fail on my end.

I'm not gonna rehash every day, that'd be outrageous. But here are some good things to know-

+I love Berlin. Big time.
+I think my German has improved. I'm certainly more confident with it.
+I ADORE my language class, except for a few words here and there it's all in German. I think it's neat that people in the class are of all ages and from all over- Spain, Denmark, Ukraine, Norway, Colombia, Korea, USA, etc
+I'm also learning a lot about Cold War and communist history stuff. I'm nerding out hardcore :-D
+I think that's something I'd like to pursue in Grad School
+I've made two good friends here- my roommate Irene and another girl Erin.
-Not so hot with the other kids, we don't hate each other but I've felt quite ostracized from them since...the first weekend here. They do stuff together all the time, generally without us.
+Irene, Erin and I started doing our own stuff and we have a lot of fun together.
+A beautiful Tunisian man runs a pizza place on my street. We speak French, he's always very happy to see me.
+He gives me free drinks without me even asking.
-He's married.
+I was a total pimpette at the club and the bar I went to Friday night.
+Got one guy's number, he lives near me.
+We went out to a cafe last night, he's a trip and we had a good time.
+My neighborhood is SICK. It's like Thayer Street in Providence in terms of shops and stuff, but there aren't scene kids.
+Instead they're all college kids or yuppies.
+-The yuppies have COPIOUS amounts of babies. Adorable, but shocking.
+In Berlin it is normal to bring your dog pretty much everywhere. On the train, to the mall, etc.
+I love my roommates. Irene is another Lexia Student, we have a great time together. Devon is subletting Natassa's room (Natassa=apartment owner, currently in Austrailia till at least May) and he's rad too. He is looking to set up a photo business.
+I like to buy semi-outrageous jewelry from flea markets. I make it look good.
+I can cook on a primitive gas stove, and quite well at that.
----- I haven't been dancing since I've been here. One beginning Argentine Tango class, but that's *so* not enough.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated yet. Things have been wacky to say the least.
Here is an email that I wrote to my mum a little over a week ago, on Friday the 23rd. I will probably write a few entries, like 2 or 3 explaining what happened a few days at a time.

This might be mad long, so bare with me. I'm not sure how to do the text cut on blogspot yet. If anyone wants to tell me, please do!