Friday, January 23, 2009


I'm here. And it's effing phenomenal.

Everyone in Berlin and in my program is wicked nice. The people in my program are way more artistic than me and talk about art a wicked lot, but I still feel included.

I am currently rehashing the last week in my writing journal. I'll try to post it whenever I have internet access later this week. I do not have internet in my apartment, but we have it in our studio space (where classes are held)  so I'll post my rehashing at some point. Hopefully I'll be able to post at least once a week.

Viele lieben (That's "much love" to the best of my knowledge)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Everything is green and submarine

I leave in four days. WOW.

Anxiety is starting to sink in, figured it would at some point.

Bring it on, baby.